Tears, chocolate and happiness

Rachel Williams
4 min readMay 5, 2021
Photo by Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

This week was a right downer. I couldn’t bring myself to read Medium, or make any sense of the loving and uplifting quotes I receive daily on a repurposed kindle, a labour of love from my partner. Not even that. On one particular day, not being able to face people, I worked from home and spent 50 minutes of a one-hour session with my therapist, the indefatigable Benna, crying my eyes out.

Shortly after that, an email pinged and I saw that I had been mentioned (gasp!) by Rocco Pendola, in response to an article of his I had commented on (you really must follow the fella, if you don’t already) and guess what – it was as uplifting as an industrial-sized chocolate bar. Without the calories. The sun seemed to shine brighter.

And that made me think.

One little thing can erase all the horrible little bastards lurking in your mind, seeking to sabotage your day, and it can remind you of why you need to remember what a wonderful person you are, if only you so choose to be.

In all fairness, I don’t believe that you should allow external (and hence, unpredictable) factors to affect you too much. That’s like putting a sapling in the ground without support or shelter. You’ll be buffeted by gusts of winds, drown in a deluge, and baked to a crisp under a hot sun. You may have the potential to grow into a mighty oak, but you need…



Rachel Williams

Human being. Often confused. Persistent. I’ve got this. So have you. Contact me on williamsrachelscript@gmail.com